21 January 2011

Studying with ADHD

If there's one thing that I strongly believe - that is those with ADHD is either as talented or even smarter than most people. However, their lack of emotional control over their feelings often make them more confused than anything.

Many people seem to think that students with ADHD are a lost cause. That's not true. One must be aware that many people have ADHD have varying levels of the condition and no matter how bad, one day it can be brought under control with proper treatment.

Here are some websites that may be useful to you:
Website NameIntistuiteReview
Homework Help for ADHD students at SchoolADDitudeThis website is especially created for ADHD students and their parents. ADHD students need help in certain areas but once they are trained in those areas, they will be able to look after themselves well. This website provides articles on all of that.
 Strategies/Techniques for ADHDUniversity of IllinoisA website with tips provided for study skills for ADHD.
Studying with ADHD Study Guides and Strategies According to this website, around 4% of the children are affected with ADHD. And these children will grow up into adults with ADHD. Some tips are provided here on how to cope with studies.
How to Improve Study SkillsJZ GilerThis website talks about concerntration where students need exercise and movement to remain focus longer.
Social Skills in Adults ADHDAttention  Deficit Disorder ResourcesAlthough this webiste has nothing much to do about studying, it touches mainly on social skills and why ADHD people have problems socially. Once they are able to settle their social problems, they will be able to focus better on their studies.

However, I strongly believe that one with ADHD is not just able to study; his/her creativity will astound or surprise many people. It's not easy to control especially one with ADHD is easily overwhelmed and can be easily agitated due to confusion with EQ and people. However, once under control, people with ADHD will be the ones who will spur the world forward if their intelligence is tamed right.

And normal people will not be able to catch up with them.