21 January 2011

What is Leadership?

Everyone wants to be a leader. Everytime there is a leadership post, many would hope to be selected for it. However, not everyone has the qualities to be a leader. But what exactly is a leader? What makes a leader different from the rest?

Leaders seem to ignore what others fear. They possess the courage to let go of any fear they do have, and they focus instead on the success they’ll realize once the perceived challenges are overcome.

Today’s leaders understand that true failure only exists when you give up and stop trying. Failure to them is NOT trying something that doesn’t work. Failure IS trying something that doesn’t work, then not learning from the experience and quitting altogether - how sad.

It’s true; “failure exists only to one who accepts the label as fact.” Leaders never accept failure; they simply “press on”!

One can have leadership traits, One can understand leadership styles,
One can have the right stuff, but without the right skills, nothing happens.
—Murray Johannsen

Effective leaders make no time for fear, jealousy or pettiness that seems to surround so many others. They know that a person’s fear of failure is the greatest dream killer known to man.